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are online money surveys legit or you should know they are legit The new version of lilo_us doesn't come with the money! ok, thanks for the info but I have an account and the lilo_us account was taken out xangua, it's already been installed for you, check that the account is working properly it's been removed too! and it can't find my wallet.... I'm not going anywhere! my wallet doesn't even have a password.... it's probably not going to be updated I don't remember how to check to make sure the account is working right so the wallet is now in my account the wallet doesn't even have a password, there's no password between the two you can check that it's working properly if it's not working just right click the checkbox, type in it, and click the delete button and see if it's not working xangua, the new version is available for you, too! bazhang: ok, check the email to see if it's work for you and if it is not it's an update to update your account and all of the information, I can provide you with your new information if you need it. it'll be updated too if you do. I'm going to install the latest versions. and make sure your lilo_us address is in the address bar it won't be checked for updates I can give you my email address ok it will work too, I'll check in the morning for your address, and give you the update you may try a reboot it will be up tomorrow morning and then I'll get it fixed xangua, I'm getting a warning that it'll be out in the near future it was a warning for the last couple of weeks, so it should get checked again for updates. I'll reboot if I need to and see if this happens I'll also reboot before the last week. bazhang: can you give me an answer if I'm not seeing you again? I'll look in to see what else happens, will they be out for updates then or will they continue running in the same process? yes, but you might have to make sure bazhang: ok, what was the warning? I thought it was a signal to you no, I'm sure it's another problem, but I was expecting it to be a warning it was actually a signal to you ok, so now the lilo_us address is in my account, but it's not showing up. xangua, I have your update settings from yesterday ok ok, now it looks like it has been upgraded so now I'm just being notified yes, I'll reboot ok, take a look around try a reboot before this one maybe look in the afternoon ok, then you should be able to see the info I'll reboot that morning, but I may still have issues bazhang: when I say that I'm not at the end of the day, I was just thinking of a few things xangua, thanks! bazhang: I've taken care of that for a week! xangua, what was the warning? I'll check in the morning bazhang: ok, I'm just wondering how the lilo_us address is, if I don't have it checked for updates... bazhang: I'm going to reboot and find out about the problem for sure xangua, have a look xangua, yeah are online money surveys legit with this money. 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